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Rosa × centifolia - Rosaceae - provence rose, rose de Mai, cabbage rose, Provence-Rose, Zentifolie, Kohl-Rose

Old hybrid rose developed by Dutch rose breeders in 16th and 17th century; flowers globular, petals numerous, pink, white or dark red, highly scented; cultivated in Egypt, France (Provence: Grass) and Morocco.

Pentane/dichloromethane extracts of Rosa x centifolia petals showed phenylethanol as the main component (56-86%), followed by hydrocarbons (8.5-23.5%). Other components were benzyl alcohol (0.8-4.9%) , nerol (1.0-4.9%), geraniol (0.7-13.6%), geranyl acetate (0.2-1.6%), benzyl benzoat (0.1-0.7%) and nonanal/cis-rose oxide (0.01-0.09%). „The composition of the four samples of R. × centifolia can be divided into two classes. Compared to roses 8 and 11, roses 9 and 10 were characterized by lower contents of nerol, geraniol, and geranyl acetate. The similarity of roses 9 and 10 is genetical: rose 10 (Old Pink Moss) was derived by a mossed mutation of rose 9 (R. centifolia). No other compounds stood out, and the differences among four R. centifolia cultivars and all other cultivars were of the same amplitude.“
[Characterization of 24 old garden roses from their volatile compositions., Antonelli, A., Fabbri, C., Giorgioni, M.E., Bazzocchi, R., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45(11), 1997, 4435-4439]

R.centifolia flower absolute (CAS 84604-12-6) is made from concrete oil (petrol ether extract of the rose petals) by dissolving in a minimum volume of absolute alcohol to remove the natural waxes and then distill the alcohol off (and finally bubbling nitrogen gas through the residue).
„Rosa centifolia showed 0.225% concrete oil and 0.128% yield of absolute oil… High-resolution gas liquid chromatographic (HR-GLC) analysis of the essential oil of R. centifolia, showed the phenethyl alcohol, geranyl acetate, geraniol and linalool as major components whereas, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde and citronellyl acetate were detected at trace levels.“
[Physico-chemical analysis and determination of various chemical constituents of essential oil in Rosa centifolia. Shabbir, M. K., Nadeem, R., Mukhtar, H., Anwar, F., & Mumtaz, M. W., Pak. J. Bot, Vol.41(2), 2009, 615-620]

Redouté, P.J., Choix des plus belles fleurs et des plus beaux fruits, t.79 (1833) [P.J. Redoute]

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