


Ribes aureum Pursh - Grossulariaceae - Buffalo currant, (fragrant) golden currant, clove currant, Goldjohannisbeere

Deciduous shrub 1-3m tall, native to North America, cultivated as ornamental elsewhere; bark dark silver-grey, twigs spineless; leaves three-lobed broad-ovate, glossy light green turning reddish-purple in fall; flowers monoecious, narrow-tubular, spicily-fragrant, yellow-maturing-to-orange, in drooping 5-15 flowered clusters (wand-like racemes); fruits (currants) glossy, black, edible.
„Golden currant is primarily grown as an ornamental shrub rather than for harvest of its fruit. The fruit should not be overlooked, however, because it can be eaten raw from the shrub or made into juices, jams, jellies, tarts or pies.“

„Ribes aureum was introduced into cultivation in Europe early in the nineteenth century (F. V. Coville 1903) …Ribes aureum is a variable complex and the varieties may seem to intergrade.“

„The fragrant (clove odor), golden-yellow flowers of spring, yellowish to red fall foliage, edible fruits, and wide ecological range make golden currant a valued ornamental shrub for a variety of natural landscapes.“
[USDA NRCS Plant Guide „GOLDEN CURRANT Ribes aureum Pursh“, by Guy Nesom, Formerly BONAP, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina]

„The plant blooms in spring with racemes of conspicuous golden yellow flowers, often with a pronounced, spicy fragrance similar to that of cloves or vanilla. Flowers may also be shades of cream to reddish, and are borne in clusters of up to 15. The shrub produces berries about 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) in diameter from an early age. Ripe fruits, amber yellow to black, are edible raw, but very tart, and are usually cooked with sugar.“

Ribes aureum Pursh; C.V.D. d’ Orbigny, Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle, plates vol.3 t.34 [Dicotylédones 37] (1841-1849) [Maubert]

Ribes aureum flowers, CC BY-SA 3.0, Author: Andreas Kraska

ribes_aureum_pursh.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/05/05 22:02 von andreas