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Leptospermum scoparium Forster & Forster - Myrtaceae - manuka, New Zealand tea tree, Manuka, Südseemyrte

Shrub or tree, up to 4m high, native to New Zealand and southeast Australia; leaves narrow-lanceolate or ovate, coriaceous, rigid, acute, pungent; flowers axillary, or occasionally terminal on branchlets, ± sessile, usually solitary white, rarely pink petals.

„Mānuka sawdust imparts a delicious flavour when used for smoking meats and fish. It is cultivated in New Zealand for mānuka honey, produced when honeybees gather the nectar from its flowers, and for the pharmaceutical industry.“

Manuka oil is the essential oil produced by steam distillation of the leaves (with twigs). Major components of commercial New Zealand essential oils are triketones (flavesone 4%, iso-leptospermone 4%, leptospermone 15%) and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (≥60%), including calamenene (14%), α-cubebene (4%), α-copaene (5%), δ-cadinene (6%), cadina-1,4-diene (5%) and cadina-3,5-diene (4%), δ-amorphene (3%), aromadendrene (2%) and β-caryophyllene (2%).
[Chemical, physical and antimicrobial properties of essential oils of Leptospermum scoparium and Kunzea ericoides. Porter, N. G., & Wilkins, A. L., Phytochemistry, Vol.50(3), 1999, 407-415]

The botanist’s repository [H.C. Andrews], vol. 10: t. 622 (1810-1812) [H.C. Andrews]

leptospermum_scoparium_j.r.forst._g.forst.1423433818.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/02/08 23:16 von andreas