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Juniperus chinensis L. - Cupressaceae
圆柏 yuan bai (chin.), Chinese Juniper, Chinesischer Wacholder

Dioecious shrub or trees, up to 25m tall, nativer to East Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, East Russia); needlelike leaves present on both young and adult plants, (3-)6-12 mm long; scalelike leaves present on adult plants, 1.5-3 mm long, abaxial gland near center; seed cones glaucous blue, brown when ripe.

Many cultivars have been introduced in horticulture, so perhaps J.chinensis is the most popular ornamental tree or shrub in gardens and parks worldwide. The volatile oil is dominated by sabinene (13-43%) and ethyl acetate (13-20%), with cultivar-depending amounts of alpha-pinene (1-22%), limonene (1-14%), myrcene, terpineole, bornyl acetate and cedrol.
[Comparison of the Volatile Leaf Oils of Juniperus chinensis L., J. chinensis var. kaizuca Hort. and cv. pyramidalis from China. Adams, R. P., Ge-lin, C., Shao-Zhen, Z., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.6(2), 1994, 149-154]

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