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Dryobalanops aromatica C. F. Gaertn. - Dryobalanops sumatrensis (J. F. Gmel.) Kosterm.; Laurus sumatrensis J. F. Gmel. - Dipterocarpaceae
Borneo camphor, Malay camphor, Sumatra camphor

Large tropical rainforest tree, native to Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra; recognised for its valuable timber, ‘kapur’; classified as critically endangered species in 2007.

Main components of the essential oil, collected by steam distillation of the exudates from D.aromatica, were β-caryophyllene (21-37%), α-caryophyllene (8-16%), α-pinene (10-36%), terpinen-4-ol (5-10%) and α-terpineol (3-7%). Borneol was detected in the essential oil of D. aromatica at 0.74%. This finding was different from other studies. Huang and Lu reviewed that the exudates or essential oil of D. aromatica comprised of borneol, α-caryophyllene, β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, asiatic acid, dryobalanone, erythrodiol and hydroxy-dammarenone II.
[Le, Tian-Xin, et al. „The presence of borneol and other chemical composition in the essential oil extracted from the exudates of D. aromatica, Malaysia.“]


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