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Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.(Crataegus oxyacantha auct.), and Crataegus rhipidophylla Gand. (syn.Crataegus oxyacantha L.) - Rosaceae - hawthorn, Weißdorn

Deciduous shrubs or small trees, native to the northern hemisphere.

„Several species of hawthorn have been used in traditional medicine, and there is considerable interest in testing hawthorn products for evidence-based medicine. The products being tested are often derived from C. monogyna, C. laevigata, or related Crataegus species, „collectively known as hawthorn“, not necessarily distinguishing between these species, which are very similar in appearance.“

„Ingredients are oligomeric procyanidins (OPC), glycosidic flavones as vitexin and vitexin rhamnosid and glycosidic flavonols such as rutin and hyperoside; tannins are also found at a level of 0.5 to 1%.
Main indication is chronic myocardial insufficiency with resulting low blood pressure in stages I and II as defined by the New York Heart Association (NYHA).“

„Volatiles from the flowers of hawthorn, although similar in many respects, contained proportionately lower levels of terpenoids, but elevated levels of benzaldehyde, 3-pyridine carboxaldehyde, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde and 4-methoxybenzoic acid methyl ester.“
[A comparison of the flower volatiles from hawthorn and four raspberry cultivars G.W. Robertson, D.W. Griffiths, J.A.T. Woodford, A.N.E. Birch, J.A. Picketa, L.J. Wadhamsa, Phytochemistry Volume 33, Issue 5, 23 July 1993, Pages 1047–1053]

GC-MS analysis of volatile odor-determining substances of hawthorn tincture showed 3-hexene-1-ol, eugenol, diethyl succinate, tiglic acid and citric acid.
[Analysis of volatile fragrant components in hawthorn tincture by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Zhu X, Lü C, Gao Y, Tobacco Research Center, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei 230052, China. Wei Sheng yan jiu = Journal of Hygiene Research (2004, 33(1):108-110)].

„Crataegus extract… WS 1442 has been demonstrated to increase thickness and reduce stiffness of the endothelial inner surface layer (the glycocalix), a sensor of blood-flow induced shear stress and modulator of endothelial NO-synthesis. The extract activates endothelial and red blood cell NO-synthase, increases endothelial NO-release and improves endothelium-dependent arterial function in animal models of aging and hypertension. The vascular effects are strongly related to the high content of oligomeric procyanidins in the extract. In addition, WS 1442 increases cardiac muscle force of contraction via an ATP-independent mechanism, has shown positive effects on remodelling in animal models of increased afterload and increases skeletal muscle mitochondrial density and fibre diameter. It has not been determined to what extent the reported vascular, cardiac and skeletal muscular effects contribute to the clinical benefit in heart failure patients… WS 1442 improved T2km (-12.7% vs. -8.4%, p = 0.019), tended to improve symptoms and to pronounce SO2-decrease with increasing exercise, an indicator of oxygen utilisation. Endurance training and WS 1442 were safe and well tolerated in combination with standard drug treatment. “
[Effects of Endurance Exercise Training and Crataegus Extract WS® 1442 in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction–A Randomized Controlled Trial., Härtel, S., Kutzner, C., Westphal, E., Limberger, M., Burkart, M., Ebner-Priemer, U., Bös, K., Sports, Vol.2(3), 2014, 59-75]

Klein,L., Unsere Waldbäume, Sträucher und Zwergholzgewächse, t.55 (1839) [M.Schrödter]

crataegus_spec.1432979311.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/05/30 11:48 von andreas