


Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A.DC. syn. Carissa grandiflora (E.Mey.) A.DC.; Arduina grandiflora E.Mey. - Apocynaceae - natal plum, (big) num-num, Natalpflaume

Evergreen shrub, 1-3m high, native to South Africa, cultivated elsewhere for fruit and as ornamental; much-branched stems with stout spines; leaves dark green, leathery, broadly ovate to ovate-elliptic, up to 35mm long; inflorescences at axil of spines or terminal, flowers white, corolla tube 9-14mm long, sweetly fragrant; fruit an ovoid berry, 3-4cm in diam. WFO Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A.DC. see also wikipedia Carissa macrocarpa

„As a garden subject C. macrocarpa is most decorative with its masses of jasmine-scented flowers followed by the delicious oval berries about 3-4 cm long and dark red when ripe.“
[Parsley, Renate. „Cape gooseberries and others.“ Veld & flora 67.1 (1981): 1]

Carissa macrocarpa, Botanischer Garten Halle (Saale) CC BY-SA 3.0 Author: Andreas Kraska (2024)

carissa_macrocarpa_eckl._a.dc.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/12 15:55 von andreas