


Calycanthus floridus L. - Calycanthaceae - Carolina allspice, eastern sweetshrub, strawberry bush, spicebush, Echter Gewürzstrauch

Deicuous shrub, up to 3m high, native to the southeastern Nort America; cultivated as as ornamental shrub elsewhere; stems erect to ascending, hairy, purplish-brown; leaves opposite, simple, short petiolate, ovate to oblong-elliptic, entire, adaxially roughened, abaxially pubescent; flowers with perianth of numerous free tepals to 4.0 cm long, red to maroon, stamens numerous, the outer 10-15 fertile and the inner 10-25 reduced to linear, pistils 10-35; fruits achenes 10-12 mm long, finely hairy, dark brown, enclosed within the expanded, flask-shaped receptacle. Flowers aromatic and so are the leaves when bruised (clove/strawberry-like).

C. f. var. floridus (syn. C. mohrii) twigs pubescent (hairy)
C. f. var. glaucus (syn. C. fertilis) twigs glabrous (smooth)
„Calycanthus species are cultivated as ornamental plants by plant nurseries, including in the United States and England. Calycanthus floridus is planted in gardens, as a specimen shrub, or for hedges.“ wikipedia

The main components of stem essential oil of Calycanthus floridus L. var. oblongifolius were 1,8-cineol (31.7%), bornyl acetate (12.6%), α-pinene (10.0%), elemol (9.0%), β-pinene (7.2%), and α-terpinyl acetate (6.8%).
[Akhlaghi, Hashem. „Chemical composition of the essential oil from stems of Calycanthus floridus L. var. oblongifolius from Iran.“ Chemistry of Natural Compounds 44.5 (2008): 661-662]

The major components of the leaf oil of Calycanthus floridus L. var. oblongifolius were pregeijerene B (18.3%), isobornyl 2-methylbutyrate (15.3%), bornyl acetate (14.8%), 8α,11-elemodiol (14.4%), camphene (10.3%) and α-pinene (5.6%).
[Akhlaghi, Hashem, Alireza Motavalizadeh Kakhky, and Shirin Fazel-Hashemi. „Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Leaves of Calycanthus floridus L. var. oblongifolius (Nutt.) DE Boufford & SA Spongberg from Iran.“ Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 13.3 (2010): 322-325]

Main components of the hydrodistilled volatile oil from the dried flowers of Calycanthus floridus L. var. oblongifolius (syn. Calycanthus fertilis) were 1,8-cineol (33.1%), bornyl acetate (14.1%), α-pinene (10.2%), elemol (8.2%), β-pinene (8.6%) and α-terpinyl acetate (5.8%).
[Akhlaghi, Hashem. „Chemical composition of the essential oil from flowers of Calycanthus floridus L. var. oblongifolius (Nutt.) DE Boufford & SA Spongberg from Iran.“ J. Pharm. Heal. Sci 2 (2014): 111-114]

„The flowers release a scent with a strong alcoholic note. Prominent compounds were ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetoin, acetoin acetate, and 2,3-butanediol isomers and derivatives thereof… The GC/MS data revealed that the most prominent scent compounds were ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetoin, 2,3-butanediol isomers, acetoin acetate, 2,3-butandiol monoacetate, and 2,3-butandiol diacetate. Interestingly, besides scent compounds that were previously found in plants pollinated by nitidulid and staphylinid beetles, some other compounds, including acetoin acetate and 2,3-butandiol monoacetate, were observed for the first time as floral scent of plants attracting such beetles. “
[Gottsberger, Gerhard, et al. „Imitation of fermenting fruits in beetle-pollinated Calycanthus occidentalis (Calycanthaceae).“ Flora 274 (2021): 151732]

Calycanthus floridus, Botanischer Garten Berlin-Dahlem (2017) CC BY-SA 4.0, Author: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz Wikimedia Commons

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