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Antirrhinum majus L. - Plantaginaceae - (common) snapdragon, (Großes) Löwenmaul, Garten-Löwenmaul, Löwenmäulchen

Perennial herb, up to 1m tall, native to the Mediterranean, naturalized and cultivated elsewhere; leaves broadly lanceolate; flowers pink to purple (wild types), also white, yellow, orange, red (cultivars grown as ornamental).

„Headspace analysis in combination with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of volatiles emitted from flowers of 37 different Antirrhinum cultivars revealed that snapdragon flower scent is dominated by myrcene, trans-beta-ocimene, and methyl benzoate. Methyl benzoate is the most abundant scent compound detected in the majority of snapdragon varieties.“ Production of volatile compounds was: myrcene 7.7µg/flower/24hr (8% rel.amount), trans-beta-ocimene 26µg/flower/24hr (27%), methyl benzoate 56µg/flower/24hr (59%).
[Developmental regulation of methyl benzoate biosynthesis and emission in snapdragon flowers., Dudareva, N., Murfitt, L.M., Mann, C.J., Gorenstein, N., Kolosova, N., Kish, C.M., Wood, K., The Plant Cell Online, Vol.12(6), 2000, 949-961]

„Floral scent is used by pollinators during foraging to identify and discriminate among flowers. The ability to discriminate among scents may depend on both scent intensity and the ratios of the concentrations of the volatile compounds of a complex mixture rather than on the presence of a few compounds. We used four scent-emitting cultivars of snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) to test this hypothesis by examining the ability of honeybees to differentiate among their scents. Each cultivar produced three monoterpenes (myrcene, E-β-ocimene, and linalool) and five phenylpropanoids (methylbenzoate, acetophenone, dimethoxytoluene, cis-methylcinnamate, and trans-methylcinnamate). Cultivars were reliably classified by their scents in a canonical discriminant analysis. Honeybees were unable to discriminate among the scents of flowers of the same cultivar in our assay. The ability of honeybees to discriminate among the scents of different cultivars was a function of the intensity of the floral scent.“
[Intensity and the ratios of compounds in the scent of snapdragon flowers affect scent discrimination by honeybees (Apis mellifera)., Wright, G.A., Lutmerding, A., Dudareva, N., Smith, B.H., Journal of Comparative Physiology A, Vol.191(2), 2005, 105-114]

Thomé, O.W., Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, Tafeln, vol. 4: t. 497 (1885)

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