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Zingiberaceae - black cardamom, large cardamom, Schwarzer Kardamom, Nepal-Kardamom

Perennial plant of Nepal and China, 1-2m high.

„The pods are used as a spice, in a similar manner to the green Indian cardamom pods, but with a different flavor. Unlike green cardamom, this spice is rarely used in sweet dishes. Its smoky flavor and aroma derive from traditional methods of drying over open flames.“

„The steam-distilled volatile oil of the large cardamon (Amomum subulatum Roxb.), grown in Sikkim, India, was analysed by GC-MS. It consists of monoterpenic hydrocarbons (16.3%), oxygenated monoterpenes (75.2%) and sesquiterpenes (6.3%). Its major constituents are 1,8-cineole (61.3%), α-terpineol, α- and β-pinene and allo-aromadendrene.“ [Volatile Constituents of Large Cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.). Gurudutt, K. N., Naik, J. P., Srinivas, P. and Ravindranath, B., Flavour Fragr. J., Vol.11 (1), 1996, 7–9]

amomum_subulatum_roxb.1419592799.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/12/26 12:19 von andreas