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Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. - syn.Pinus balsamea L. - Pinaceae - balsam fir, Canada balsam, eastern fir, Balsamtanne

Tree, native to northeastern north America; leaves fragrant, 1-2.5cm long, 1-ranked to spiraled; pollen cones at pollination red, purplish, bluish, greenish, or orange; seed cones cylindric, gray-purple, turning brown before scale shed.

„The essential oil of A. balsamea is essentially constituted of monoterpenes (>96%) and some sesquiterpenes. β-pinene (29.9%), δ-3-carene (19.6%) and α-pinene (14.6%) were the major components.“
[Composition and antibacterial activity of Abies balsamea essential oil., Pichette, A., Larouche, P.L., Lebrun, M., Legault, J., Phytotherapy Research, Vol.20(5), 2006, 371-373]

Abies balsamea (L.) Miller [as Pinus balsamea L.]
Woodville, W., Hooker, W.J., Spratt, G., Medical Botany, 3th edition, vol. 5: t. 1 (1832)

abies_balsamea_l._mill.1423261312.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/02/06 23:21 von andreas