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crocus_sativus_l [2016/07/26 17:27]
crocus_sativus_l [2021/12/08 22:39] (aktuell)
Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
 The carotenoid [[|crocin]] is primarily responsible for the color of saffron. The carotenoid [[|crocin]] is primarily responsible for the color of saffron.
-The freshly picked stigmas are nearly odorless, with typical saffron flavor being developed during the drying process. The aroma description of β-isophorone (3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-one) is "saffron, floral and hay". \\+The freshly picked stigmas are nearly odorless. The typical saffron flavor is developed during the drying process. The aroma description of β-isophorone (3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-one) is "saffron, floral and hay". \\
 [Cadwallader, K. R. (2002). Flavor chemistry of saffron. In ACS Symposium series (Vol. 802, pp. 220-240). Washington, DC; American Chemical Society; 1999] [Cadwallader, K. R. (2002). Flavor chemistry of saffron. In ACS Symposium series (Vol. 802, pp. 220-240). Washington, DC; American Chemical Society; 1999]
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
 [Safranal: From an Aromatic Natural Product to a Rewarding Pharmacological Agent. Ramin Rezaee1 and Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Iran J Basic Med Sci. Jan 2013; 16(1), 2013, 12–26] [Safranal: From an Aromatic Natural Product to a Rewarding Pharmacological Agent. Ramin Rezaee1 and Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Iran J Basic Med Sci. Jan 2013; 16(1), 2013, 12–26]
-| {{:{{:betaisophorone.jpg| β-isophorone}} \\ β-isophorone | {{:safranal.jpg|}} \\ [[|safranal]] | {{:{{:oxoisophorone.jpg| ketoisophorone}} \\ [[|4-ketoisophorone]] \\ (4-oxoisophorone) |+| {{:{{:betaisophorone.jpg| β-isophorone}} \\ β-isophorone \\ //(saffron, floral-hay)// | {{:safranal.jpg|}} \\ [[|safranal]] \\ //(spicy phenolic)// | {{:{{:oxoisophorone.jpg| ketoisophorone}} \\ [[|4-ketoisophorone]] \\ (//musty//) |
 From 19 saffron samples collected under different Moroccan environments, 57 volatile components have been From 19 saffron samples collected under different Moroccan environments, 57 volatile components have been
-identified. 14 compounds were found in common to all the accessions, and seven major compounds are dominant in all samples: safranal (9-57%), 1,8-cineole (3-27%), 4-keto-isophorone (3-22%), isophorone (2-20%), α-pinene (1-15%), 2,6,6-trimethyl,1,4-cyclohexadien-1-carboxaldehyde (safranal-isomer) (1-3%) and β-isophorone (0.6-6%).+identified. 14 compounds were found in common to all the accessions, and seven major compounds are dominant in all samples: safranal (9-57%), 1,8-cineole (3-27%), 4-keto-isophorone (4-oxoisophorone, 3-22%), isophorone (2-20%), α-pinene (1-15%), 2,6,6-trimethyl,1,4-cyclohexadien-1-carboxaldehyde (safranal-isomer) (1-3%) and β-isophorone (0.6-6%).
 Minor components present in all samples were 2(5H)-furanone, camphene, myrcene, α-phellandrene, δ-3-carene, α-terpinene, p-cymene and 4-methylene isophorone. [[|β-Isophorone]] is considered one of the quality marker compounds - 70% of samples analyzed in the study contained β-isophorone. \\ Minor components present in all samples were 2(5H)-furanone, camphene, myrcene, α-phellandrene, δ-3-carene, α-terpinene, p-cymene and 4-methylene isophorone. [[|β-Isophorone]] is considered one of the quality marker compounds - 70% of samples analyzed in the study contained β-isophorone. \\
 [Phytochemical composition of Moroccan saffron accessions by headspace solid-phase-microextraction, Lage Mounira, Melai Bernardo, Cioni Pier Luigi, Flamini Guido, Gaboun Fatima, Bakhy Khadija, Zouahri Abdelmjid, Pistelli Luisa, American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 2015; 2(4): 1-7] [Phytochemical composition of Moroccan saffron accessions by headspace solid-phase-microextraction, Lage Mounira, Melai Bernardo, Cioni Pier Luigi, Flamini Guido, Gaboun Fatima, Bakhy Khadija, Zouahri Abdelmjid, Pistelli Luisa, American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 2015; 2(4): 1-7]
Zeile 27: Zeile 27:
 ---- ----
 +"A specification for high-quality saffron of > 20% crocins, > 6% pic-rocrocin and not less than 0.3% of volatiles, calculated as sum of safranal, isophorone and ketoisophorone, was developed... Saffron extracts and crocetin had a clear binding capacity at the PCP bindingside of the NMDA receptor and at the σ1 receptor, while the crocins and picrocrocin were not effective."  \\
 +[Lechtenberg, Matthias, et al. "Quality and functionality of saffron: quality control, species assortment and affinity of extract and isolated saffron compounds to NMDA and σ1 (sigma-1) receptors." Planta medica 74.07 (2008): 764-772]
 "Saffron is the dried stigma of Crocus sativus L. and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine mainly for its healing properties... Recent phytochemistry and pharmacological experiments have indicated that crocin and safranal, the major active ingredients of saffron, exert important actions, such as antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those data derive from in vitro studies, whereas a limited number of in vivo experiments support the aforementioned effects." \\ "Saffron is the dried stigma of Crocus sativus L. and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine mainly for its healing properties... Recent phytochemistry and pharmacological experiments have indicated that crocin and safranal, the major active ingredients of saffron, exert important actions, such as antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those data derive from in vitro studies, whereas a limited number of in vivo experiments support the aforementioned effects." \\
 [Saffron: a natural product with potential pharmaceutical applications., Christodoulou, E., Kadoglou, N.P., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Valsami, G., Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 67(12), 2015, 1634-1649] [[]] [Saffron: a natural product with potential pharmaceutical applications., Christodoulou, E., Kadoglou, N.P., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Valsami, G., Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 67(12), 2015, 1634-1649] [[]]
-{{:crocus_sativus.jpg?500}} \\+Patients with major depressive disorder accompanied by anxious distress, who were randomly assigned to receive either saffron (30 mg/day) or citalopram (40 mg/day), showed significant improvement in scores of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (P-value<0.001 in both groups). \\ 
 +"Comparison of score changes between the 2 trial arms showed no significant difference (P-value=0.984). Frequency of side effects was not significantly different between the 2 groups... The present study indicates saffron as a potential efficacious and tolerable treatment for major depressive disorder with anxious distress." \\ 
 +[Ghajar, A., et al. "Crocus sativus L. versus Citalopram in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Anxious Distress: A Double-Blind, Controlled Clinical Trial." Pharmacopsychiatry (2016).] 
 +{{:crocus_sativus.jpg?600}} \\
 Köhler,F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol.2 t.164 (1890) \\ Köhler,F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol.2 t.164 (1890) \\
 [[]] [[]]
 +{{}} \\
 +Crocus sativus \\ © Rolf Marschner (2010),  
crocus_sativus_l.1469546822.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/26 17:27 von andreas