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crataegus_spec [2024/09/15 11:35]
crataegus_spec [2024/09/16 09:26] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.(Crataegus oxyacantha auct.), and Crataegus rhipidophylla Gand. (syn.Crataegus oxyacantha L.) - Rosaceae - hawthorn, **Weißdorn** Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.(Crataegus oxyacantha auct.), and Crataegus rhipidophylla Gand. (syn.Crataegus oxyacantha L.) - Rosaceae - hawthorn, **Weißdorn**
-Deciduous shrubs or small trees, native to the northern hemisphere; flowers with characteristic scent mixture (soapy, amine-like, almond-like).\\+Deciduous shrub or small tree, native to the northern hemisphere; flowers with characteristic scent mixture (soapy, amine-like, almond-like).\\
 Dry-extracts of hawthorn leaves with blossoms are used to treat decreasing cardic output.  Dry-extracts of hawthorn leaves with blossoms are used to treat decreasing cardic output. 
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:
 [[]] [[]]
-"Volatiles from the flowers of hawthorn, although similar in many respects, contained proportionately lower levels of terpenoids, but elevated levels of benzaldehyde, 3-pyridine carboxaldehyde, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde and 4-methoxybenzoic acid methyl ester.\\ +| {{benzaldehyde.jpg| benzaldehyde.jpg}} \\ benzaldehyde | {{anisaldehyde.jpg| anisaldehyde.jpg}} \\ anisaldehyde | 
-[A comparison of the flower volatiles from hawthorn and four raspberry cultivars G.W. Robertson, D.W. Griffiths, J.A.T. Woodford, A.N.E. Birch, J.A. Picketa, L.J. Wadhamsa, Phytochemistry Volume 33, Issue 5, 23 July 1993, Pages 10471053]+ 
 +Volatiles from the flowers of hawthorn contained higher levels of benzaldehyde, 3-pyridine carboxaldehyde, anisaldehyde (4-methoxybenzaldehydeand methyl anisate (4-methoxybenzoic acid methyl ester). \\ 
 +[A comparison of the flower volatiles from hawthorn and four raspberry cultivars G.W. Robertson, D.W. Griffiths, J.A.T. Woodford, A.N.E. Birch, J.A. Picketa, L.J. Wadhamsa, Phytochemistry Volume 33, Issue 5, 23 July 1993, 1047-1053]
 The main fragrant volatile components in hawthorn tincture were 3-hexen-1-ol, eugenol, [[|diethyl malate]], tiglic acid and citric acid. \\ The main fragrant volatile components in hawthorn tincture were 3-hexen-1-ol, eugenol, [[|diethyl malate]], tiglic acid and citric acid. \\
crataegus_spec.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/16 09:26 von andreas