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tilia_cordata_mill [2016/06/16 15:05]
tilia_cordata_mill [2016/06/24 00:24]
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 Dried flowers ared used as diaphoretic, as described for [[tilia_platyphyllos_scop|Tilia platyphyllos]]. Dried flowers ared used as diaphoretic, as described for [[tilia_platyphyllos_scop|Tilia platyphyllos]].
-As shown by aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA), linden honey volatiles having high factors of dilution (FD) were identified as 1-hexen-3-one, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, dimethyl trisulphide, methional, phenylacetaldehyde, 2-phenylethanol, linalool, p-cresol, 3,9-epoxy-1-p-menthene, 4-methylacetophenone, 3,9-epoxy-1,4(8)-p-menthadiene (linden ether), 1,3-p-menthadien-7-al, p-anisaldehyde, 4-vinylguaiacol, (E)-p-damascenone, eugenol, vanillin and cis-rose oxide. \\+As shown by aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA), linden honey volatiles having high factors of dilution (FD) were identified as 1-hexen-3-one, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, dimethyl trisulphide, methional, phenylacetaldehyde, 2-phenylethanol, linalool, p-cresol, 3,9-epoxy-1-p-menthene, 4-methylacetophenone, 3,9-epoxy-1,4(8)-p-menthadiene (linden ether), 1,3-p-menthadien-7-al, p-anisaldehyde, 4-vinylguaiacol, (E)-β-damascenone, eugenol, vanillin and cis-rose oxide. \\
 [Intensive neutral odourants of linden honey Differences from honeys of other botanical origin., Blank, I., Fischer, K.H., Grosch, W., Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung, 189(5), 1989, 426-433] [[]] [Intensive neutral odourants of linden honey Differences from honeys of other botanical origin., Blank, I., Fischer, K.H., Grosch, W., Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung, 189(5), 1989, 426-433] [[]]
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
 [Determination of the Chemical Structure of Linden Ether. Imre Blank, Werner Grosch, Wolfgang Eisenreieh, Adelbert Bacher, and Joachim Firl, Helvetica Chimica Acta, Volume 73 (1990), 1250-1257] [[]] [Determination of the Chemical Structure of Linden Ether. Imre Blank, Werner Grosch, Wolfgang Eisenreieh, Adelbert Bacher, and Joachim Firl, Helvetica Chimica Acta, Volume 73 (1990), 1250-1257] [[]]
-|{{:lindenether.jpg|linden ether}} \\ [[|linden ether]] \\ //(floral mint)// |{{:cis_roseoxide.jpg|cis-rose oxide}} \\ [[|cis-rose oxide]] \\ //(floral green)//|+|{{:lindenether.jpg|linden ether}} \\ [[|linden ether]] \\ //(floral mint)// |{{:cis_roseoxide.jpg|cis-rose oxide}} \\ [[|cis-rose oxide]]  //(floral green)//|
 "Thus the difference in the composition of the aroma compounds between the headspace and the **essential oil** is clearly shown. This is also the case with **dried lime tree flowers** (Flores Tiliae). The main constituents of the essential oil of this drug are 1,8-cineole, linalol, carvone, thymol and carvacrol (concentration more than 2 %), but all of these volatiles only be detected in the headspace in a concentration below. On the other hand p-cymene, fenchone, and  α- and β-thujone are only trace compounds of this essential oil.\\ "Thus the difference in the composition of the aroma compounds between the headspace and the **essential oil** is clearly shown. This is also the case with **dried lime tree flowers** (Flores Tiliae). The main constituents of the essential oil of this drug are 1,8-cineole, linalol, carvone, thymol and carvacrol (concentration more than 2 %), but all of these volatiles only be detected in the headspace in a concentration below. On the other hand p-cymene, fenchone, and  α- and β-thujone are only trace compounds of this essential oil.\\
Zeile 23: Zeile 23:
 "More than 45 headspace constituents of the **living lime tree flowers** were detected by gas chromatographic-spectroscopic methods; more than 35 of them were identified. Main components (concentration higher than 3%) of this mixture with an odour impression similar to that of the genuine lime tree flowers' as well as with weak fresh and aromatic side-notes were limonene (22%), p-cymene (22%), δ3-carene (15%), germacrene-D (9%), β-phellandrene (4%) and farnesol (4%). Using a GC-sniffing technique, regions of specific odour impressions were found by means of which the total odour of the headspace sample of the living flowers was determined: the aromatic odour was caused especially by p-cymene, trans-carveol and germacrene-D; the floral part by linalool, 2-phenylethanol, trans-rose oxide, geraniol, nerol, 2-phenylethyl acetate, geranyl acetate and partly, nerolidol; the fresh part by camphene, limonene and camphor; and the narcotic part by 2-phenylethanol, nerol, heliotropin and farnesol. However, indole, 2-phenylethyl benzoate, farnesyl acetate and some other sesquiterpenes had additional odour notes. The headspace sample of the cut flowers was dominated by a strong terpenic and fresh note with coumarin side-notes, while the typical odours of the genuine flowers were less impressive." \\ "More than 45 headspace constituents of the **living lime tree flowers** were detected by gas chromatographic-spectroscopic methods; more than 35 of them were identified. Main components (concentration higher than 3%) of this mixture with an odour impression similar to that of the genuine lime tree flowers' as well as with weak fresh and aromatic side-notes were limonene (22%), p-cymene (22%), δ3-carene (15%), germacrene-D (9%), β-phellandrene (4%) and farnesol (4%). Using a GC-sniffing technique, regions of specific odour impressions were found by means of which the total odour of the headspace sample of the living flowers was determined: the aromatic odour was caused especially by p-cymene, trans-carveol and germacrene-D; the floral part by linalool, 2-phenylethanol, trans-rose oxide, geraniol, nerol, 2-phenylethyl acetate, geranyl acetate and partly, nerolidol; the fresh part by camphene, limonene and camphor; and the narcotic part by 2-phenylethanol, nerol, heliotropin and farnesol. However, indole, 2-phenylethyl benzoate, farnesyl acetate and some other sesquiterpenes had additional odour notes. The headspace sample of the cut flowers was dominated by a strong terpenic and fresh note with coumarin side-notes, while the typical odours of the genuine flowers were less impressive." \\
 [Comprative headspace anaysis of living and fresh cut lime tree flowers (Tiliae flores).  G. Buchbauer, B. Remberg, L. Jirovetz, A. Nikiforov, Flavour and Fragrance Journal (1995) 10(3):221 - 224] [Comprative headspace anaysis of living and fresh cut lime tree flowers (Tiliae flores).  G. Buchbauer, B. Remberg, L. Jirovetz, A. Nikiforov, Flavour and Fragrance Journal (1995) 10(3):221 - 224]
 +In comparatively small amounts, unsaturated C9 aldehydes and alcohols (catabolites of linolenic acid) are important scent modifiers in violet flowers, linden blossoms and Acacia farnesiana flowers. \\
 +(Add.: 0.02% (E,Z)-2,6-Nonadienal was found in the headspace of linden flowers; an extract of the flowers contained also (Z)-3-nonen-1-ol, (E)-2-nonen-1-ol, (Z)-6-nonen-1-ol, (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadien-1-ol, and (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienol; R.Kaiser pers.comm.) \\
 +[Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 43]
 "The essential oils of linden blossom from the clean localities contained 47.3-55.0% of oxygenated constituents, while the blossom oils from trees growing on the tile-covered pavements contained only 20.6-27.7% of these compounds. The major constituents determined in linden blossom oils were 3-p-menthene, nonanal, nonanoic acid, α-cadinene, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, kaurene, aliphatic hydrocarbons (C20H42 - C24H50). The identified compounds (169 out of 250) made up 73.4-97.7% of the oils." \\ "The essential oils of linden blossom from the clean localities contained 47.3-55.0% of oxygenated constituents, while the blossom oils from trees growing on the tile-covered pavements contained only 20.6-27.7% of these compounds. The major constituents determined in linden blossom oils were 3-p-menthene, nonanal, nonanoic acid, α-cadinene, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, kaurene, aliphatic hydrocarbons (C20H42 - C24H50). The identified compounds (169 out of 250) made up 73.4-97.7% of the oils." \\
 [Influence of urban environment on chemical composition of Tilia cordata essential oil. Nivinskienė, Ona; Butkienė, Rita; Gudalevič, Alena; Mockutė, Danutė; Meškauskienė, Vilma; Grigaliūnaitė, Banga, Chemija, 2007, Vol. 18, No. 1, 44-49] [Influence of urban environment on chemical composition of Tilia cordata essential oil. Nivinskienė, Ona; Butkienė, Rita; Gudalevič, Alena; Mockutė, Danutė; Meškauskienė, Vilma; Grigaliūnaitė, Banga, Chemija, 2007, Vol. 18, No. 1, 44-49]
 +{{:26dimethyl357octatriene2ol.jpg| 2,6-dimethyl-3(E),5(Z/E),7-octatriene-2-ol }} 2,6-dimethyl-3(E),5(Z/E),7-octatriene-2-ol //(sweet floral)//
 +The highly sensitive 2,6-dimethyl-3(E),5(Z),7-octatriene-2-ol and its 5(E) isomer (natural ratio 1:10, sweet floral odor) are main constituents present only in the headspace of the flowers of T.platyphyllos and T.cordata.\\
 +[Trapping, Investigation and Reconstitution of Flower Scents, Roman Kaiser, in: Müller, P.M., and Lamparsky, D. eds. Perfumes: art, science and technology. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012, 213-250] 
 {{:tilia_cordata.jpg|}} \\ {{:tilia_cordata.jpg|}} \\
-Kohl, F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.51 (1891-1895) [F.G. Kohl] \\+Tilia cordata as Tilia parviflora: Kohl, F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.51 (1891-1895) \\
 [[]] [[]]
-{{:tilia_cordata_botg.jpg?700}}+{{:tilia_cordata_botg.jpg?700}} \\ 
 +Tilia cordata flowers, [[|CC BY-SA 3.0]], Author: Andreas Kraska
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