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Rutaceae - Japanese Pepper, Japanischer Pfeffer

Deciduous shrub, up to 2m high, with tiny (5mm) yellow-green flowers.

„It is dioecious, and the flowers of the male plant can be consumed as hana-sanshō, while the female flowers yield berries or peppercorns of about 5mm. For commercial harvesting, thornless varieties called the Asakura sansho are widely cultivated. Around September to October, the berries turn scarlet and burst, scattering the black seeds within… The plant is important commercially. The pulverized mature fruits („peppercorns“ or „berries“) known as „Japanese pepper“ or kona-zanshō (Japanese: 粉ざんしょう). This is the standard spice for sprinkling on the broiled eel (kabayaki unagi) dish. It is also one of the seven main ingredients of the blended spice called shichimi, which also contains red chili peppers.“

zanthoxylum_piperitum_dc.1406706277.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/07/30 09:44 von andreas