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Asclepiadaceae - syn. Asclepias undulata L., Uzara, wild cotton, milk bush, melkbos, bitterhout, bitterwortel, Uzara

Erect perennial herb of South Africa, 0.60-1 m high; leaves opposite, short petioled, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, entire, the undersite yellowish-green, above green; inflorescence an umbel; flowers wheel-shaped, yellow-green with brown.

„The South African Xhosa people for many generations used the root as remedy (Uzara). African healers use the Uzara Medicine to threat indigestion, painful menstruation, migraine and colds. In Germany, a dry extract is obtained since 1911 from the Uzara root to threat diarrhea.“

„The root of Xysmalobium undulatum (L.) R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) is traditionally used for numerous purposes, e.g. treatment of hysteria in young women and headache relief, whereas in Germany an alcoholic-aqueous root extract (Uzara®) is marketed for treatment of diarrhoea… root extracts and aerial part extracts of X. undulatum and the Uzara® commercial product… showed in vitro affinity for the SSRI binding site in rat brain in a radioligand assay… However, a bioassay guided isolation of the Uzara® commercial product showed no fraction with specific activity.“ [Pharmacological Studies on Xysmalobium undulatum and Mondia whitei – Two South African plants with in vitro SSRI activity. ME Pedersen, A Weng, A Sert, GI Stafford, J van Staden, M Nielsen, AK Jäger, Planta Med 2006; 72 - P_123] · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/07/04 17:22 von andreas