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Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. - syn. Valerianella olitoria (L.) Pollich - Caprifoliaceae (also placed in Valerianaceae)
(common, European) cornsalad, lamb's lettuce, mâche, Feldsalat, Rapunzel, Rapünzchen

Annual herb, up to 30cm high, native to Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, naturalized elsewhere, cultivated as vegetable; stem hairy, branched; leaves basal and cauline, spathulate to narrowly elliptic-obovate, usually entire, 2-6cm long; flowers tiny, pale blue; fruit oblong-globose, 2mm, green.

„As a cultivated crop, it is a specialty of the region around Nantes, France, which is the primary source for mâche in Europe… The Brothers Grimm's tale Rapunzel may have taken its name from this plant, as the eponymous character is named for the „salad“ which her father has come into the sorceress' garden to steal. 'Rapunzel' is one of the German terms for corn salad.“

Thomé, O.W., Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, Tafeln, vol.4, t.561 (1885)

valerianella_locusta_l._laterr.1427795722.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/03/31 11:55 von andreas