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Valeriana officinalis L. - Valerianaceae
common valerian, Echter Baldrian, Arznei-Baldrian, Katzenkraut

Perennial herb, 0.40-1.60 high, native in Europe an Asia, naturalized in northeastern North America; leaves opposite, pinnate; flowers in cymes, white to pink.

The typical scent of valerian root is caused by isovaleric acid (3-Methylbutanoic acid).

Main alkaloid of the root (0.03%) is N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-ethyl actinidine, and the cat-attratractant (S)-(-)-actinidine is shown to be also present in the roots.
[Isolation, structure and synthesis of alkaloids from Valeriana officinalis. L., Torssell, K., Wahlberg, K. , Acta Chem Scand, Vol.21, 1967, 53-62]
[Über monoterpenoide Valeriana‐Alkaloide. Gross, D., Edner, G., & Schütte, H. R., Archiv der Pharmazie, Vol.304(1), 1997, 19-27]

There are several subspecies, cultivars, and chemotypes of V.officialis known. Hence the composition of the extracts from roots and rhizomes is very variable. Typical compounds found are isovaleric acid, bornyl acetate and bornyl isovalerate, sesquiterpenoids like valerenic acid and valerenal.

„The volatile constituents from roots of Valeriana officinalis L. were investigated using GC and GC/MS methods. Valerianae radix samples were obtained from retail pharmacies of different European countries. The roots of 15 V. offcinalis samples yielded 0.19–1.16% essential oil on a dry weight basis. The basic oil components among the identified 86 compounds were bornyl acetate (2.9–33.7%), α-fenchene (0–28.3%), valerianol (0.2–18.2%), valerenal (tr-15.6%), isovaleric acid (0–13.1%), camphene (0–11.1%) and valeranone (0.5–10.9%). Bornyl acetate/valerenal chemotype was characteristic for 9 of the 15 samples of valerian roots from different European countries. Some samples did not contain α-fenchene and camphene (Germany, Czech), isovaleric acid (France, Moldova, Russia 2) and valerianic acid (Estonia, Ukraine 1, Scotland, Moldova, Russia 1). Valerian root oil from Estonia was rich in essential oil, bornyl acetate (33.7%), valerianol (16.8%) and valeranone (9.5%).“
[Variation in the composition of the essential oil of commercial Valeriana officinalis L. roots from different countries. Raal, A., Arak, E., Orav, A., Kailas, T., Müürisepp, M., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.20(6), 2008, 524-529]

Valerian root extracts are most often used to treat insomnia.

„Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Its therapeutic uses were described by Hippocrates, and in the 2nd century, Galen prescribed valerian for insomnia… In addition to sleep disorders, valerian has been used for gastrointestinal spasms and distress, epileptic seizures, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, scientific evidence is not sufficient to support the use of valerian for these conditions.“

„A comprehensive search of studiesinvestigating valerian was conducted through computerized databases and hand searches of reference lists. Standardized forms were used to summarize findings and standardized criteria were used to assess study quality. Out of 592 articles initially identified, a total of 36 articles describing 37 separate studies met criteria for review: 29 controlled trials evaluated for both efficacy and safety, and eight open-label trials evaluated for safety only. Most studies found no significant differences between valerian and placebo either in healthy individuals or in persons with general sleep disturbance or insomnia. None of the most recent studies, which were also the most methodologically rigorous, found significant effects of valerian on sleep. Overall, the evidence, while supporting that valerian is a safe herb associated with only rare adverse events, does not support the clinical efficacy of valerian as a sleep aid for insomnia“
[A systematic review of valerian as a sleep aid: safe but not effective. Taibi, D. M., Landis, C. A., Petry, H., Vitiello, M. V. , Sleep medicine reviews, Vol.11(3), 2007, 209-230]

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