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Vaccinium oxycoccos var. oblongifolium Michx. - syn.Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton; Oxycoccus macrocarpos (Aiton) Pursh - Ericaceae
American cranberry, (Amerikanische) Cranberry, Großfrüchtige Moosbeere, Kranbeere
Perennial subshrub, native to eastern North America, introduced and escaping elsewhere, cultivated for fruit; leaves glaucous abaxially, green adaxially, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, entire; inflorescences in axils of leaflike bracts at base of current year’s shoots; flowers white to pink; berries red to pink, 9-14mm diameter.
The volatiles of fresh American cranberries are dominated by α-terpineol (23.7%), compared with 0.7% in lingonberries. Benzyl alcohol amounts to 9% (lingonberries 40%) in the essentital oil of cranberries. „Of great importance is also that 2-methyl butyric acid is missing or present in very small amounts… If these three compounds are exepted the amount of the different chemical groups of aroma compounds are rather similar in cranberries and lingonberries.“
[The aroma of cranberries. II. Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait., Anjou, K., Von Sydow, E., Acta Chem. Scand, Vol.21(8), 1967, 2076-2082]
„Volatiles from the juice of the American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) were investigated using gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and infrared spectrophotometry. Forty-two compounds comprising over 95% of the aroma complex were identified. These consist of 14 aromatic compounds, 7 terpenes, 9 aliphatic alcohols, 6 aliphatic aldehydes and 6 other compounds including the 2 acids, benzoic and 2-methylbutyric. The aromatic compounds (benzaldehyde, benzyl and benzoate esters) and the terpenes appear to be the major contributors to the aroma of cranberry juice. The remaining 5% of the aroma complex contains over 200 components. Although these compounds occur in very small concentrations, they appear to be important in the overall aroma.“
[Major volatile components of the juice of American cranberry., Croteau, R.J., Fagerson, I.S., Journal of Food Science, vol.33(4), 1968, 386-389]
Kops et al., J., Flora Batava, vol.14, t.1102 (1872)