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Trilisa odoratissima (J.F.Gmel.) Cass. - syn.Carphephorus odoratissimus (Gmel.) Herbert. - Asteraceae
dear tongue, deer's tongue, Carolina vanilla, vanillaplant, Hirschzunge

native to southeastern North America

„Leaves of deer's tongue, Trilisa odoratissima (J.F.Gmel.)Cass., a coumarin-containing plant indigenous to wooded areas in southeastern United States, are used in the tobacco industry, particularly in cigarette mixtures. The coumarin contributed by the leaves is said to enhance existing flavors and to „fix“ the natural taste of the tobacco…
Fresh leaves of deer’s tongue contain large quantities (more than 10% of the dry weight, in some cases) of o-hydroxycinnamic acid (o-HCA). Bothcis- andtrans-o- HCA are present, and both isomers exist in the fresh tissue predominantly as glucosides. Cured deer’s tongue leaves contain relatively high levels of coumarin and lower amounts of o-HCA glucosides. It is probable that during the curing processcis-o-HCA glucoside is hydrolyzed by an endogenous ß-glucosidase, and that the liberated cis-o-HCA lactonizes spontaneously to form coumarin.“
[Form and level of coumarin in deer’s tongue, Trilisa odoratissima., Haskins, Francis A., H. J. Gorz, and R. C. Leffel., Economic Botany, Vol.26(1), 1972, 44-48]

trilisa_odoratissima_j.f.gmel._cass.1422475770.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/01/28 21:09 von andreas