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Taraxacum officinale Wigg. - syn.Taraxacum vulgare Schrank; Leontodon taraxacum L. - Asteraceae
(common) dandelion, lion's-tooth, (Gewöhnlicher, Gemeiner) Löwenzahn, Gemeine Kuhblume, Pusteblume

Perennial herb, up to 40cm high, native to Europe, Asia, naturalized in North America; taproot up to 30cm long; whole plant and especially the stalks with white milky sap; leaves 5-25cm long, lanceolate, deeply lobed, forming a basal rosette; flowers shiny golden-yellow, solitary at the top of hollow stalks; fruits forming a rounded, white-haired seed-head known as dandelion clock.

Tender young leaves are considerably less bitter than older leaves so they are used in salads.

„The roasted dandelion root pieces and the beverage have some resemblance to coffee in appearance and taste.“

Supercritical fluid (CO2) extracts of the leaves (3.2-4.0% dry weight of raw material) contained the triterpens β-amyrin (11.0-12.7%) and β-sitosterol (3.1-3.7%).
[Supercritical fluid extraction of dandelion leaves., Simandi, B., Kristo, S.T., Kery, A., Selmeczi, L.K., Kmecz, I., Kemény, S., The Journal of supercritical fluids, Vol.23(2), 2012, 135-142]

Taraxacum officinale Webb [as Leontodon taraxacum L.]
Kohl, F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.151 (1891-1895) [F.G. Kohl]

taraxacum_officinale_wigg._aggr.1425999609.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/03/10 16:00 von andreas