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Fabaceae - spanish broom, Pfriemenginster, Spanischer Ginster

„S. junceum is a vigorous, deciduous shrub growing to 2–4m tall, … native to the Mediterranean in southern Europe, southwest Asia and northwest Africa… has been widely introduced into other areas, and is regarded as a noxious invasive species in places with a Mediterranean climate such as California and Oregon, Hawaii, central Chile, southeastern Australia, the Western Cape in South Africa and the Canary Islands and Azores…
The plant is also used as a flavoring, and for its essential oil, known as genet absolute.“

„The flowers are bright yellow and very fragrant. They are 2 to 2.5cm tall and stand on 5 mm long pedicles in long, loose racemes terminal on young shoots.“

The flower scent of broom is a delicate combination of aldehydes and esters, mainly (Z)-Hex-3-en-1-yl butanoate (25%), butyl butanoate (12%), 2-phenethyl butanoate (2%), phenylacetonitrile (3%), methyl anthranilate (5%), 2-aminobenzaldehyde (1%), and many additional minor and trace constituents. [Meaningful scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, 2006, 145 and 266]

„The essential oil, isolated by hydrodistillation from fresh flowers of Spartium junceum L., was investigated by GC and GC/MS. The 24 main constituents of the samples were identified; the main components of the oil were kairomonal compounds, tricosane (22.9%), tetracosane (8.9%) and pentacosane (16.1%), constituting altogether almost 48% of total composition. These hydrocarbons constitute an important aspect governing the sensitivity of the insects in plant host selection.“ [Identification of volatile constituents from the flower oil of Spartium junceum. Miraldi, Elisabetta, Sara Ferri, and Gianluca Giorgi. Journal of Essential Oil Research 16.6 (2004), 568-570.]

spartium_junceum_l.1405069143.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/07/11 10:59 von andreas