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Robinia pseudoacacia L. - Fabaceae - black locust, false acacia, Robinie, Falsche Akazie, Scheinakazie

Invasive tree, native to eastern North America, naturalized throughout the world; 15-25m high; inflorescence a pendent cluster; flowers white, scenting sweet like bergamot orange.

„Important constituents of the plant are the toxalbumin robin, which loses its toxicity when heated and robinin, a non-toxic glucoside.“

„The floral fragrance headspace of living Robinia pseudoacacia was trapped on Tenax tube cartridges using air as the carrier. After solvent elution, the major components identified using GC/MS were δ-3-carene (54.6%), linalool (21%), (Z)-β-farnesene (3.0%) and anthranilate aldehyde (3.9%).“
[Characterization of black locust floral fragrance. Kamdem, D. P., Gruber, K., Barkman, T., Gage, D. A., Journal of Essential Oil Research, 6(2), 1994, 199-200]

„Volatiles from the fresh flowers of Robinia Pseudoacacia L. grown in China were analyzed by GC-MS combined with solid-phase microextraction (SPME). The abundant compounds identified were linalool (33.1%), cis-β-ocimene (26.6%), (E)-α-bergamotene (8.9%) and formanilide (7.4%).“
[Xie, J., Sun, B. and Yu, M. (2006), Constituents of top fragrance from fresh flowers of Robinia Pseudoacacia L. occurring in China. Flavour Fragr. J., 21: 798–800]

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