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Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. - syn.Potentilla tormentilla Necker; Potentilla sylvestris Necker; Tormentilla erecta L. - Rosaceae
(common) tormentil, Tormentill, Aufrechtes Fingerkraut, Blutwurz

Erect perennial herb, up to 30cm high, native to Europe, West Sibiria, West Asia, naturalized in North America; flowers yelloe, 7-11mm across.

„The administration of tormentil root extract in controlled doses shortened the duration of rotavirus diarrhea and decreased the requirement for rehydration solutions. Tormentil root extract appears to be an effective measure to treat rotavirus diarrhea in children… In the treatment group 8 of 20 (40%) children were diarrhea-free 48 h after admission to the hospital, compared with 1 of 20 (5%) in the control group (P < 0.0001). Subjects in the treatment group received smaller volumes of parenteral fluids than subjects in the control group.“
[Effect of oral administration of tormentil root extract (Potentilla tormentilla) on rotavirus diarrhea in children: a randomized, double blind, controlled trial., Subbotina, M.D., Timchenko, V.N., Vorobyov, M.M., Konunova, Y.S., Aleksandrovih, Y.S., Shushunov, S., The Pediatric infectious disease journal, Vol.22(8), 2003, 706-711]

„Tormentil extracts (TE) have antioxidative properties and are used as a complementary therapy for chronic inflammatory bowel disease. In individual patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) positive effects have been observed… During therapy with 2400 mg TE per day, median CAI and C-reactive protein improved from 8 (6 to 10.75) and 8 (3 to 17.75) mg/L at baseline to 4.5 (1.75 to 6) and 3 (3 to 6) mg/L, respectively. During therapy, the CAI [clinical activity index] decreased in all patients, whereas it increased during the washout phase. Neither undegraded nor metabolized tannins could be detected by liquid-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) in patient sera. Conclusions: TE appeared safe up to 3000 mg/d. Tannins from TE are not systemically absorbed.“
[Tormentil for active ulcerative colitis: An open-label, dose-escalating study., Huber, R., Ditfurth, A. V., Amann, F., Güthlin, C., Rostock, M., Trittler, R., Merfort, I., Journal of clinical gastroenterology, Vol.41(9), 2007, 834-838]

Lindman, C.A.M., Bilder ur Nordens Flora, vol. 2: t. 300 (1922-1926)

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