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Populus nigra L. - Salicaceae black poplar, Schwarz-Pappel

Deciduous tree, up to 10-25m high, native to the river banks of Europe; leaves nearly cordate; young branches round across; flowers at catkins (up to 12cm long), produced in early spring before the leaves, dioecious.

The sweet-cented exudate of fresh P.nigra buds is collected by bees as the basis of their genuine product propolis.

„Fractions in which 37 organic compounds were identified by means of GC-MS method were isolated using extraction of four propolis samples and bud exudate from Populus nigra. Six of them were identified in propolis for the first time. They are: 4-hydroxybutyric acid (4-hydroxybutanoic acid), 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3-hydroxybutanoic acid), phthalic acid, 4-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid (phenyllactic acid), imidazole and phenetole. The main components ofpropolis fraction are acids: benzoic,cis- and trans-p-coumaric, ferulic, caffeic and cinnamic. The compounds were determined by HPLC technique (according to analysis conditions estimated with Dry-Lab software) applying calibration curve calculation for the standards of those acids. Propolis ethanolic extracts consisted of 3. 5-8. 8% of dry residue and 2.9% bud exudate extract from Populus nigra.“
[GC-MS and HPLC analysis of phenolic acids extracted from propolis and from Populus nigra bud exudate. Maciejeicz, W., Daniewski, M., Dzido, T. H., Bal, K., Chemia analityczna, Vol.47(1), 2002, 21-30]

„Volatile components from fresh and air-dried leaf-buds of Populus nigra L. (Salicaceae) were isolated by Likens-Nickerson apparatus and analyzed using GC/MS. Forty-eight components (ca. 95% of the total isolate) were identified among black poplar bud volatiles. Sesquiterpene alcohols β-eudesmol and α-eudesmol represented 26.3–28.7% of the oil. Other major sesquiterpene compounds were γ-selinene (7.6–8.8%), δ-cadinene (7.8–8.6%), α-elemene (3.3–5.2%) and γ-cadinene (3.9–4.2%). Hemiterpenes were also identified (2.2–7.6%). Monoterpenes were present in low percentages (1.6–5.7%). Aliphatic and aromatic alcohols, carbonyl compounds and aliphatic acids were identified among non-terpene volatiles (9.8–13.5%). The fresh buds contained 0.27% and dried 0.12% essential oil. Air-drying moderately effected the volatiles qualitative and quantitative composition.“
[Volatile compounds from leaf-buds of Populus nigra L.(Salicaceae). Jerković, Igor, and Josip Mastelić., Phytochemistry Vol.63(1), 2003, 109-113]

Phenylethyl caffeate, benzyl ferulate and benzyl-trans-4-coumarate are the most characteristic compounds found in propolis from various geographic origin.
[Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of European propolis. Hegazi, Ahmed G., F. K. Abd El Hady, F. A. Abd Allah., Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C 55.1/2, 2000, 70-75]

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