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Populus balsamifera L. - syn.Populus tacamahacca Mill.; Populus candicans Aiton - Salicaceae
balsam poplar, hackmatack. tacamahac, Balm of Gilead, Balsampappel

Major volatile components of balsam poplar winter-dormant buds are 1,8-cineol, (E)-nerolidol and (+)-α-bisabolol. The volatiles of internodes (stems between buds) consist mainly of salicaldehyde and (+)-6-hydroxycyclohexanone with minor amounts of cyclohexan-1,2-dione. The phenol glycoside salicortin appears to be the biosynthetic precursor of these cyclohexanones.
[Volatile constituents of balsam poplar: the phenol glycoside connection., Mattes, B.R., Clausen, T.P., Reichardt, P.B., Phytochemistry, 26(5), 1987, 1361-1366]

„Anyone that has ever walked into a poplar stand in the spring at bud break is impressed with the fragrance in the air. This fragrance comes from the volatile compounds in the buds and other parts of the tree… Various extracts from the winter buds of poplar were recognized by native peoples as having therapeutic value. For example, a salve or ointment (balm of Gilead) made by heating the winter buds in oil was used to relieve congestion.
[Zasada, J. C., & Phipps, H. M. (1990). Populus balsamifera L. Burns, RM et BH Honkala. Silvics of North America, 2, 518-529.]

Populus balsamifera L.: Trew, C.J., Ehret, G.D., Plantae selectae, vol.5 t.46 (1755)

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