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Polygala senega L. - Polygalaceae - senega snakeroot, senegaroot, Senega-Kreuzblume, Klapperschlangenwurzel

Perennial herb, up to 50cm tall, native atlantic to central North America; several clustered stems from a hard, knotty, horizontal root; leaves alternate, lance-shaped, irregularly serrulate; flowers small, white (3mm long, dense terminal spike-like racemes.
[Polygala senega L. senega snakeroot, Maine Department of Conservation Natural Areas Program; Natural Areas Program’s Biological and Conservation Database, 2004]

„Senega is estimated as agent acting secretion stimulating effect on almost all organs. Main indications mentioned are chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia, pertussis, asthma, renal dropsy, palpitation with anxiety, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism etc… Senega is one of the saponin drugs, it contains the saponin senegin (about 10%). For Senega particular, the bronchial mucous glands stimulating effect comes into consideration.“
Lehrbuch der Biologischen Heilmittel, Madaus G., 1938
[Bentley and Trimen, Medicinal Plants, Bd. I, London 1880, p.29]

polygala_senega_l.1433161342.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/06/01 14:22 von andreas