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Peumus boldus Molina - Monimiaceae
boldo, Boldo

Evergreen tree, native to Chile.

„Together with litre, quillay, peumo, bollén and other indigenous plants, it is a characteristic component of the sclerophyllous forest endemic to central Chile. Its leaves, which have a strong, woody and slightly bitter flavor and camphor-like aroma, are used for culinary purposes, primarily in Latin America.“

„Essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation of leaves of P. boldus grown in Siena (Tuscany, Italy) and marketed leaves from Chile were investigated by GC-MS. Forty-six compounds were identified, accounting for about 98% of total content; 22 constituents were reported for the first time. Ascaridole, which is endowed with antihelminthic properties, was the main component (38. 6% and 21.1 %, respectively). The Tuscan essential oil had a considerably higher percentage of eucalyptol.“
[Peumus boldus essential oil: New constituents and comparison of oils from leaves of different origin. Miraldi, E., Ferri, S., Franchi, G. G., Giorgi, G., Fitoterapia, Vol.67(3), 1996, 227-230]


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