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Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.- Paeoniaceae
牡丹 mu dan (chin.), moutan, tree peony, Baum-Pfingstrose, Strauch-Pfingstrose
Shrub, up to 1.5m tall, native to China, cultivated elsewhere; stem brown-gray; proximal leaves 2-ternate, leaflets long ovate or ovate; terminal leaflets deeply 3-lobed, lobes again 2- or 3-lobed.
flowers single, petals white or pale red-purple (subsp. yinpingmudan)
flowers double, petals white, pink, red, or red-purple (subsp. suffruticosa) - cultivated
The root bark of P.suffruticosa (moutan cortex) is a famous traditional Chinese medicine and has been used as an analgesic, sedative and antiinflammatory agent, and as a remedy for cardiovascular, extravasated blood, stagnated blood and female genital diseases. It contains characteristic monoterpene glycosides (mudanpiosides).
[Monoterpene glycosides from Paeonia suffruticosa, Hang-Ching Lin, Hsiou-Yu Ding, Tian-Shung Wu, Pei-Lin Wu, Phytochemistry, Vol.41(1), 1996, 237–242]
[Glycosides from Paeonia suffruticosa. Ding, H. Y., Wu, Y. C., Lin, H. C., Chan, Y. Y., Wu, P. L., Wu, T. S., Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo), Vol.47(5), 1999, 652—655] http://cpb.pharm.or.jp/cpb/199905/C05_0652.pdf
Moutan cortex contains the antimutagenic paeonol.
[Paeonol: a bio-antimutagen isolated from a crude drug, Moutan cortex. Fukuhara, Y., Yoshida, D., Agricultural and biological chemistry, Vol.51(5), 1987, 1441-1442]