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Brassicaceae - syn. Nasturtium officinale R.Br., Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek; water cress, Gemeine Brunnenkresse, Brunnenkresse, Wasserkresse

Native to central and western Europe perennial aquatic plant with floating, freely rooting hollow stems, 10-80cm long; leaves odd pinnate, with characteristic shape and pungent taste, staying green in autumn; tiny white flowers with yellow anthers; fruit a pod, 10-18mm long and 2-2.5mm broad.

„The water should always flow so that it is sufficiently cleaned. The harvest period extends from September to the beginning of flowering in May. In extensively driven culture, the plants remain up to ten years in culture. In intensive cultivation, the culture of each year or created after two years.“

The plant is commercially cultivated in England (Alresford eg.) and US. (Alabama, Florida).

nasturtium_officinale_w.t._aiton.1404465254.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/07/04 11:14 von andreas