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Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel - Rutaceae
Indian curry tree, curry leaf, Indischer Currybaum

Shrub or small tree, up to 6m high, native to India and Sri Lanka; leaves pinnate, leaflets 11-21; flowers white, fragrant.

„Its leaves are used in many dishes in India and neighbouring countries. Often used in curries, the leaves are generally called by the name „curry leaves“, though they are also translated as „sweet neem leaves“ in most Indian languages (as opposed to ordinary neem leaves which are bitter).“

„The English term curry is of Indian origin: In Tamil, the most im­por­tant South Indian lan­guage, the word kari [கறி] means „soup“ or „sauce“; this is also the basis of the Tamil name for curry-leaves, kari­veppilai [கறிவேப்பிலை] which contains ilai [இலை] „leaf“. In English usage, curry has a wider meaning encom­passing not only spicy foods of various kinds, but also Indian-style spice mixtures („curry powder“). “

„The essential oil composition of four genetically diverse stocks of Murraya koenigii leaves cultivated at the CIMAP Research Farm, Lucknow, were analysed by GC and GC-MS. The oil from the stock of the northern Indian plains, Lucknow, showed β-pinene (70.0%), β-caryophyllene (6.5%) and α-pinene (5.4%) as the major constituents, while the oil from the stock of the lower Himalayan range, Pant Nagar, showed α-pinene (65.7%), β-pinene (13.4%) and β-phellandrene (7.4%) as the major constituents. In contrast to the above, the oil from the stock of southern India, Kozhikode, showed β-caryophyllene (53.9%), aromadendrene (10.7%) and α-selinene (6.3%) as the major constituents. On the other hand, the oil from the stock of eastern India, Bhubaneshwar, showed β-phellandrene (30.2%), β-caryophyllene (24.2%), α-pinene (15.0%), (E)-β-ocimene (5.0%) and aromadendrene (4.5%) as the major constituents. The GC-MS analysis of the stock oil samples from the northern Indian plains, lower Himalayan range, southern and eastern India resulted in the identification of 65, 56, 57 and 66, constituents, representing 99.2%, 98.8%, 87.4% and 98.2% of the oils, respectively.
The intense characteristic aroma of M. koenigii is probably due to terpene hydrocarbons and presumably the most important contributors are β-caryophyllene, β-gurjunene, β-elemene and β-phellandrene. In view of its caryophyllene content, the eastern genotype can be considered superior to the genotypes of the northern Indian plains (Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh) and the lower Himalayan range (Pant Nagar, Uttaranchal), but inferior to the southern Indian genotype. Due to presence of significant amounts of β-phellandrene (30.2%) and β-caryophyllene (24.2%), the leaf oil of the eastern genotype imparts a special flavour and can be widely used in the southern Indian dishes for the people of northern, eastern and western India, who are not very partial to the intense characteristic aroma of β-caryophyllene in the oil of M. koenigii from southern India, while people who are very fond of the intense characteristic aroma of M. koenigii should use leaves of the southern genotype only. On the basis of remarkable variation in the major and minor chemical constituents, all four genetically diverse stocks can be concluded to be different chemotypes of M. koenigii.“
[Essential oil composition of genetically diverse stocks of Murraya koenigii from India. Raina, V. K., Lal, R. K., Tripathi, S., Khan, M., Syamasundar, K. V., Srivastava, S. K., Flavour and fragrance journal, 17(2), 2002, 144-146]

Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel as Bergera koenigii L.
Roxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol.2, t.112 (1798)

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