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Murraya exotica L. - syn.Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack; Chalcas paniculata L.; Chalcas exotica (L.) Millsp. - Rutaceae
orange jessamine, mock orange, chinese box, (Jasmin-) Orangenraute

Evergreen shrub or tree, up to 12m tall, native to Southeast Asia (Indonesia); often grown as an ornamental for its clusters of fragrant flowers; older branchlets grayish white to pale yellowish gray; leaves 2-5-foliolate, leaflets ovate to elliptic, margin entire; inflorescences terminal or terminal and axillary; flowers frgrant, petals white, narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, to 2cm; fruit orange to vermilion, narrowly ellipsoid, 1-2cm.

„The principal constituents of the leaf oil were β-cyclocitral (22.9%), methyl salicylate (22.4%), trans-nerolidol (11.7%), α-cubebene (7.9%), (−)-cubenol (6.8%), β-cubebene (5.8%) and isogermacrene (5.7%). The most abundant constituent of the fruit essential oil was β-caryophyllene (43.4%). Other major components were (−)-zingiberene (18.9%), germacrene D (8.3%), α-copaene (5.5%) and α-humulene (5.1%).“
[Olawore, N. O., Ogunwande, I. A., Ekundayo, O. and Adeleke, K. A. (2005), Chemical composition of the leaf and fruit essential oils of Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. (Syn. Murraya exotica Linn.). Flavour Fragr. J., 20: 54–56. doi: 10.1002/ffj.1365]

The major component of the flower CO2 extract was manool (29.4%). Further onstituents were phenyl ethyl benzoate (9.2%), E-nerolidol (7.6%), benzyl benzoate (7.0%), phenyl ethyl alcohol (3.3%), and indole (1.2%).
[Prasant Kumar Rout, Y. Ramachandra Rao, Satyanarayan Naik, Liquid CO2 extraction of Murraya paniculata Linn. flowers, Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 32, Issue 3, November 2010, Pages 338-342]

HS-SPME analysis of floral volatiles emitted by living M.paniculata flowers showed germacrene-D (39.6%) as main constituent, accompanied by caryophyllene (7.4%), bicyclogermacrene (6.9%), E- and Z-β-farnesene (5.9%), (E,E)-α-farnesene (5.8%), β-elemene, δ-cadinene (2.1%) and linalool (2%). Indole (6.6%), (Z)-jasmone (0.3%) and methyl-, ethyl- and benzyl salicylate as well as ethyl-, benzyl- and phenethyl benzoate contribute to the odor of the flowers.
[Analysis of floral volatiles by using headspace-solid phase microextraction: a review., Rout, P.K., Rao, Y.R., Naik, S.N., Asian J. Chem., Vol.24, 2012, 945-956]

In the F1 flowering stage of M.paniculata, the main volatile compounds were linalool (48.0%) and beta-myrcene (17.5%). However, we found a dramatic change in volatiles composition in the F2 and F3 flowering stages of M. paniculata, with benzaldehyde (47.7% and 46.2%, respectively) and phenylacetaldehyde (19.3% and 25.7%, respectively) being the main volatile components.„
[Yang, Tianyu, et al. „Chromosome-level genome assembly of Murraya paniculata sheds light on biosynthesis of floral volatiles.“ BMC biology 21.1 (2023): 142]

Hooker, W.J., Exotic Flora, vol.2 t.134 (1825)

Murraya paniculata flower, author Andrés Montesinos, wikimedia commons (PD)

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