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Mentha aquatica L. - Lamiaceae - water mint, Wasser-Minze, Bachminze

Subordinate taxa are:
Mentha aquatica var. citrata, syn. Mentha citrata Ehrh., lemon mint, bergamot mint
Mentha aquatica var. aquatica, syn. Mentha palustris Mill., water mint

„The composition of the essential oils from two populations of Mentha aquatica ssp. aquatica collected in two different habitats in Migliarino-San Rossore-Massaci-uccoli Regional Park (Italy) has been determined by GC and GC/MS. The oils were found to be rich in menthofuran (38.4–55.9%) and 1,8-cineole (11.9–16.3%).“
[Variability of essential oil composition of Mentha aquatica ssp. aquatica collected in two different habitats of North Tuscany, Italy. Guido, S., Alessandra, B., Guido, F., Luigi, C. P., Emilio, T. P., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.9(4), 1997, 455-457]

mentha_aquatica_l.1413908659.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/10/21 18:24 von andreas