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Melissa officinalis L. - Lamiaceae - lemonbalm, honey flower, beebalm, Melisse, Zitronenmelisse

Perennial herb, up to 90cm tall, native to the Mediterranean, West Asia, naturalized in Europe; stems erect, pyramidally much branched, pubescent; leaves ovate, base rounded to subcordate, margin serrate-crenate to obtusely serrate; corolla creamy white, 1.2-1.3 cm, villous outside, upper lip emarginate, middle lobe of lower lip obliquely spreading.
„Used for flavoring salads, soups, and liqueurs. Oil employed in perfumery; commonly known as balm tea; a home remedy sometimes used for headaches and toothaches.“

„The leaves have a gentle lemon scent, related to mint… The white flowers attract bees, hence the genus name Melissa (Greek for 'honey bee').“

„The composition of the essential oil depends on the origin and the climate conditions, the time of harvest and the age of the plant.“

melissa_officinalis_l.1433786356.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/06/08 17:59 von andreas

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