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Lonicera caprifolium L. - Caprifoliaceae - Italian honeysuckle, perfoliate honeysuckle, Wohlriechendes Geißblatt, Jelängerjelieber, Gartengeißblatt

Deciduous climber, up to 8m high, native to Europe, cultivated and naturalized elsewhere; leaves ovate to obovate, topmost leaves perfoliate (the stem appears to grow through the centre of the leaf); flowers very fragrant (especially in the twilight), cream-coloured, tinged with pink; fruits red.

Major constituents of the vacuum headspace concentrate from the flowers were linalool (75%), germacrene-D (5.8%), indole (3.3%), farnesene (3%), nerolidol (2.2%), jasmine lactone (1.4%), jasmone (0.8%). Among the minor constituents with great olfactory importance were (Z)-3-hexenyl tiglate, (Z)-3-hexenyl benzoate, δ-decalactone, cis- and trans- methyl jasmonate, phenylacetaldoxime, 2-phenylnitroethane, benzyl cyanide, 2-methyl butyrate oxime, 3-methyl butyrateoxime, and (E)-2-methyl-2-buten-1-yl tiglate.
[Joulain, D. „Study of the fragrance given off by certain springtime flowers.“ Progress in essential oil research (1986): 57-67]

Lonicera caprifolia L., Masclef, A., Atlas des plantes de France, vol.2 t.152

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