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Lilium longiflorum Thunb. - Liliaceae - Eatser lily, Oster-Lilie

Plant up to 1m tall, native to Japan, Taiwan and Korea, cultivated worldwide as ornamental (also varities, hybrids, China, US, Netherlands); leaves linear-lanceolate; flowers solitary or several, trumpet shaped, white, fragrant.

Floral scents emitted from eight cultivars of cut lily flowers were analyzed: „Lilies belonged to the groups of oriental hybrids (‘Siberia’, ‘Marco Polo’, and ‘Sorbonne’), OT (oriental × trumpet) hybrids (‘Yelloween’ and ‘Conca d’Or’), longiflorum hybrids (‘White Heaven’), asiatic hybrids (‘Tresor’), and LA (longiflorum × asiatic) hybrids (‘Ceb Dazzle’)…
Myrcene, (E)-β-ocimene, linalool, methyl benzoate, and ethyl benzoate were detected at high emission amounts in all scented lily cut flowers. Interestingly, 1,8-cineole was found at relatively high levels in OT hybrid lilies (‘Yelloween’ and ‘Conca d’Or’).“
Lilies belonging to the group of longiflorum hybrids (‘White Heaven’) showed (E)-β-ocimene, ethyl benzoate, methyl benzoate and linalool as main volatiles.
[Composition and emission rhythm of floral scent volatiles from eight lily cut flowers., Kong, Y., Sun, M., Pan, H.T., Zhang, Q.X., Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 137(6), 2012, 376-382]


„… main components released from the flowers of Oriental hybrids and Longiflorum hybrids were terpenes, including β-myrcene, β-ocimene, linalool and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol… Terpenes and benzoic acid methyl ester were not detected from 3 lily varieties with weak aroma, while it was found that terpens were released with the highest amounts in 4 lily varieties with strong aroma. β-Ocimene and linalool were the main terpenes and may be identified as key aroma components of lily flowers.“
[Qualitative and quantitative analysis of floral volatile components from different varieties of Lilium spp., Zhang, H.X., Hu, Z.H., Leng, P.S., Wang, W.H., Xu, F., Zhao, J., Scientia Agri Sin, 46(4), 2013, 790-799]

Lilium longiflorum Thunb. var. suaveolens; Botanical Register, vol.7 t.560 (1822) [M.Hart]

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