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Larix decidua Mill. - Pinaceae - European larch, Europäische Lärche

Deciduous coniferous tree, up to 50m high, native to Europe; bark grayish brown, cracking into irregular plates; needle-like leaves 2-3cm long, flat or occasionally slightly keeled adaxially; seed cones dark red or purplish, becoming green with pink scale margins, ovoid or ovoid-oblong, fresh pineapple-like scented; seeds dark brownish gray, ovoid-cuneate, ca.4×2.5mm; wing pale brown, ovate.

The terpene content of the resin from L.decidua was found to be very similar to that of L.leptolepis (Larix kaempferi, Japanese larch). α-pinene dominates with over 80%, and small amounts of β-pinene, camphene, myrcene and limonene are present, but δ-3-carene absent in both species.
[Monoterpene composition in Larix. Stairs, G.R., Silvae Genetica, Vol.17(5/6), 1968, 182-186]

By far the main component of the volatile fraction of the oleoresin from L.decidua was α-pinene.
[Gas-chromatographic determination of the composition of the volatile components of the oleoresins of some species of conifers. Khan, V.A., Salenko, V.L., Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol.26(5), 1990, 534-536]

Freshly exuded resin of L.decidua contains some amounts of epimanool and larixyl acetate.
These compounds do not survive ageing, so they cannot be used as markers of Venice turpentine, which is used in works of art.
[GC‐MS Characterisation and Identification of Natural Terpenic Resins Employed in Works of Art., Cartoni, G., Russo, M.V., Spinelli, F., Talarico, F., Annali di chimica, Vol.94(11), 2004, 767-782]

Thomé,O.W., Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, Tafeln, vol.1, t.26 (1885)


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