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Lamium album L.- Lamiaceae - white dead nettle, Weiße Taubnessel

Perennial herb, 20-50cm high, native to Eurasia, naturalized in eastern North America; leaves triangular-ovate, minutely hispid, margin dentate; flowers white or yellowish-white.

The dried flowers (Lamii albi flos, Flores Lamii albi) are traditionally used as expectorant.
[Medicinal Plants of the World. Ben-Erik Van Wyk and Michael Wink, Pretoria 2004, 187]

Alboside A and B are secoiridoids from Lumium album L. where they co-occur with lamalbid. They are derived from 8-epi-deoxyloganic acid. Caryoptoside is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of lamalbid and alboside B.
[Biosynthesis of iridoid glucosides in Lamium album., Damtoft, S., Jensen, S. R., Nielsen, B. J., Phytochemistry, Vol.31(1), 1992, 135-137]

„Phytochemical study of the aqueous extract of the flowering tops of Lamium album led to identification of the antiviral iridoid isomers lamiridosins A and B (1, 2). These compounds were found to significantly inhibit hepatitis C virus entry (IC50 2.31 μM) in vitro. Studies of 14 iridoid analogues showed that, while the parent iridoid glucosides demonstrated no anti-HCV entry activity, the aglycones of shanzhiside methyl ester, loganin, loganic acid, geniposide, verbenalin, eurostoside, and picroside II exhibited significant anti-HCV entry and anti-infectivity activities.“
[Lamiridosins, hepatitis C virus entry inhibitors from Lamium album., Zhang, H., Rothwangl, K., Mesecar, A. D., Sabahi, A., Rong, L., Fong, H. H., Journal of natural products, Vol.72(12), 2009, 2158-2162]


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