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Krameria lappacea (Dombey) Burdet et Simpson - syn.Krameria triandra Ruiz et Pavon - Krameriaceae
Peruvian rhatany, (Peru-)Ratanhia

Very slow growing hrub, native to Peru, Bolivia, northern Chile; hemi-parasitic plant with wide range of hosts plants.

„The roots are traditionally used against inflammations, minor injuries, and in dental care. In Europe it was introduced about 200 years ago by Hipólito Ruíz due to its adstringent properties and found its way into many pharmacopoeias. The red root extracts contain mainly tannins (catechins and proanthocyanidins). Recently more attention has been given to the occurrence of neolignans and to the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Despite its traditional use over the entire distributional range, commercial sourcing mainly takes place in Peru.“
[Towards a standardization of biological sustainability: Wildcrafting Rhatany (Krameria lappacea) in Peru. Weigend, M., Dostert, N., Medicinal plant conservation, Vol.11, 2005, 24-27]


krameria_lappacea_dombey_burdet_b.b.simpson.1411391650.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/09/22 15:14 von andreas