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Iridaceae - Dalmatian iris, Bleiche Schwertlilie, Dalmatinische Iris

Perennial native to the Dalmatian coast (Croatia), widely naturalized; cultivated as a garden plant, and commercially to produce essential oils from its rhizome.

Orris root oil or „orris butter“ has a buttery nature because of vaious amounts of methyl and ethyl myristate. The typical odor of the oil (violet, floral, woody) is attributed to the irones, which are structurally related to the ionones. (of violet oil). Main constituents are (+)-cis-α-irone (39%), (-)-trans-α-irone (16%), (+)-β-irone (2%), (+)-cis-γ-irone (43%), with trace amounts of (+)-trans-γ-irone.
[Scent and Chemistry, Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen, Philip Kraft, Wiley-VCH, 2012, 281-284]

iris_pallida_lam.1406321880.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/07/25 22:58 von andreas