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Haplopappus baylahuen J. Rémy - Asteraceae - baylahuen (also span.), Baylahuen

Native herb of Chile. One of the top ten medicinal plants in Chile, used since ancient times to relieve stomach problems. Also to help digestion of fats and proteins and to treat problems of liver and bladder. To reduce fever and to treat cold, flu, and pneumonia. Used as an aphrodisiac and antiseptic, as antiflatulant and blood purifier.

„“Bailahuén” is the common name of a medicinal shrub native to Chile where this resinous herb is widely used for its liver stimulating properties. Although the official species is Haplopappus baylahuen Remy (Asteraceae), other species of the same genus are also used in different regions as “bailahuén”. A thin layer chromatography (TLC) method for rapid identification of different species and detection of adulterations is described for four of the species: Haplopappus baylahuen, Haplopappus taeda Reiche, Haplopappus multifolius Phil., and Haplopappus remyanus Wedd. To confirm efficiency in all species antioxidant properties were screened in resins, infusions, and methanolic extracts by tests of lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes and free radical scavenging activity by DPPH. In both studies Haplopappus baylahuen showed the lowest antioxidant capacity. In DPPH analyses, infusion and resins of Haplopappus baylahuen also showed the lowest and Haplopappus remyanus the major inhibiting activity of free radicals, while Haplopappus multifolius proved to have the highest result when the methanolic extracts were used. The chemical characterization of the studied species showed important levels of flavonoids and coumarins, with flavonoids predominating in Haplopappus taeda, coumarins in Haplopappus multifolius and both of them in Haplopappus baylahuen and Haplopappus remyanus…
The main compounds of Haplopappus baylahuen were found to be terpenes, some flavonoids and coumarins other than prenyletin. As no prenyletin could be detected for this species, as reported before (Schwenker et al., 1967), we suppose that the plant material of that study may correspond to Haplopappus multifolius, the species with the very characteristic presence of prenyletin in high concentrations or Haplopappus remyanus, which also produces this compound, but only in traces…
Our assumption, that a former study which reports the presence of flavonoids and powerful hepatoprotective properties of Haplopappus baylahuen may have used Haplopappus taeda, would fit with our results.“
[Antioxidant properties and TLC characterization of four Chilean Haplopappus-species known as bailahuen., Vogel, H., González, M., Faini, F., Razmilic, I., Rodríguez, J., San Martín, J., Urbina, F., Journal of ethnopharmacology, Vol.97(1), 2005, 97-100]


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