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Gymnadenia odoratissima (L.) Rich. - Orchidaceae
short spurred fragrant orchid , scented gymnadenia, Wohlriechende Händelwurz

„In G. odoratissima, 44 volatiles were identified, of which seven were physiologically active (benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl acetate, 1-phenyl-2,3-butandione, phenylethyl acetate, eugenol, and one unknown compound). In field bioassays using a mixture of the active G. odoratissima compounds and phenylacetaldehyde alone we caught a total of 25 moths, some of which carried Gymnadenia pollinia.“
[Floral scent emission and pollinator attraction in two species of Gymnadenia (Orchidaceae)., Huber, F.K., Kaiser, R., Sauter, W., Schiestl, F.P., Oecologia, Vol.142(4), 2005, 564-575]

Dietrich, A.G., Flora regni borussici, vol. 1: t. 66 (1832-1833) [A.G. Dietrich]

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