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Rubiaceae - lady's bedstraw, yellow bedstraw, Echtes Labkraut, Bettstroh, Gelbes Käselab

Perennial herb, native to Europe and West Asia, naturalized in North America; 30-60cm high, leaves narrow-linear, to 8-10 in whorls; flowers numerous, small, bright yellow.

„The flowering period extends from May to September. The relatively small, golden to lemon yellow, arranged in paniculate inflorescences, flowers smell strongly of honey.“

„In the past, the dried plants were used to stuff mattresses, as the coumarin scent of the plants acts as a flea killer. The flowers were also used to coagulate milk in cheese manufacture and, in Gloucestershire, to colour the cheese Double Gloucester.“


galium_verum_l.1402753113.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/06/14 15:38 von andreas