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Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry & H. H. Thomas - syn.Cupressus hodginsii Dunn; Fokienia kawaii Hayata - Cupressaceae
福建柏 fu jian bai (chin.), Fujian cypress, Fujian-Zypresse, Fokienia, Siam-Holz

Evergreen tree, up to 30m tall, native to Vietnam and eastern China; lateral leaves almost as long as or slightly longer than facial leaves, straight, 5-10 × 2-3mm, on adult plants small, 2-7 mm, ridged and with a white, depressed stomatal band abaxially; pollen cones yellowish green, subglobose, 4-5 mm, seed cones brown when ripe; a vulnerable species in China.

„The wood oil of Fokienia hodginsii L. is separated by distillation, column and gas-liquid chromatography. At least 35 constituents are detected, 24 of which are identified and 3 are structurally evaluated. Main constituents (24% each) are nerolidol and the hitherto unknown 2,6,10-trimethyldodeca-1,3-trans(s-trans)6-trans, 11-tetraene-10-ol (fokienol).“
[Über die Inhaltsstoffe des ätherischen Holzöls von Fokienia hodginsii L. Korthals, H. P., Merkel, D., Mühlstädt, M., Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 745(1), 1971, 39-58]

Reinvestigation of the Vietnamese wood oil of F.hodginsii L. gave nearly the same composition and percentages as reported in 1971. The oil contains exclusively sesquiterpenes with (E)-nerolidol (35%) and fokienol (26%) as main constituent. Repeated flash chromatography of a polar fraction gave a mixture of β-eudesmol, α-cadinol and dauca-8(14),11-dien-9-ol (3%, biogenetic key compound).
[Constituents of Vietnamese pemou oil — a reinvestigation. Weyerstahl, P., Marschall, H., Phan, T. S., Phan, M. G., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.14(6), 1999, 409-410]

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