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Fokienia hodginsii (Dunn) A. Henry & H. H. Thomas - syn.Cupressus hodginsii Dunn; Fokienia kawaii Hayata - Cupressaceae
福建柏 fu jian bai (chin.), Fujian cypress, Fujian-Zypresse, Fokienia, Siam-Holz

„The Vietnamese wood oil of Fokienia hodginsii L. (Cupressaceae) was analysed about 30 years ago. The reinvestigation gave nearly the same composition and percentages as reported in 1971. The oil contains exclusively sesquiterpenes with (E)-nerolidol (9,35%) and fokienol (10,26%) as main constituents and dauca-8(14),11-dien-9-ol (16,3%) as a biogenetic key compound.“
[Constituents of Vietnamese pemou oil — a reinvestigation. Weyerstahl, P., Marschall, H., Phan, T. S., Phan, M. G., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.14(6), 1999, 409-410]

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