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Durio zibethinus L. - syn.Durio acuminatissimus Merr. - Malvaceae
durian, Durian, Zibetbaum

Evergreen tree, 20-40m high, believed to be native to Borneo and Sumatra, cultivated in Asia.

„Volatile compounds in durian consisted of a large number of sulfur-containing compounds, which included diethyltrisulfide, diethyldisulfide, dithiolane, dimetyl sulfide, and 3-methyl-thiozolidine. Nonsulfur compounds 2-methyl butanoate, butanedioic acid, and propyl-2-ethylbutanoate were also abundant.“
[Postharvest survey of volatile compounds in five tropical fruits using headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME). Laohakunjit, N., Kerdchoechuen, O., Matta, F. B., Silva, J. L., Holmes, W. E., HortScience, Vol.42(2), 2007, 309-314]


durio_zibethinus_l.1412628533.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/10/06 22:48 von andreas