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Cytinus hypocistis L. - syn. Asarum hypocistis L. (basionym) - Cytinaceae

Ant-pollinated parasitic plant, native to the Mediterranean.

„Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. and C. ruber (Fourr.) Fritsch. are perennial holoparasites that appear exclusively on roots of Cistaceae species. The vegetative body of both parasites is contained entirely within the root of their host plants, and only in spring do the inflorescences burst through the host tissues.“
[The endophytic system of Mediterranean Cytinus (Cytinaceae) developing on five host Cistaceae species., De Vega, C., Ortiz, P.L., Arista, M., Talavera, S., Annals of Botany, 100(6), 2007, 1209-1217]

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