


Cordia myxa L. - Boraginaceae - lasura, Assyrian plum, Myxabaum

Deciduous tree, up to 5m high, native from Egypt to Southeast Asia, cultivated and sometimes naturalized; leaves alternate, ovate to suborbicular, 3-nerved; fruits ovoid, pale yellow-brown to orange.
„The pulpy drupe is edible. The bark, leaves and fruit have medicinal properties, are used variously as diuretic, demulcent and in stomacht aches.“

„Being full of viscid glue like mucilage, the pulp is somewhat translucent. When fully ripe the pulp becomes quite sweet in taste and is fully enjoyed by children. The pulp in a half ripe fruit can even be used as an alternative to paper glue in office work.“

An observed antiinflammatory effect of C.myxa fruit „… may be attributed partly to its antioxidant property and to restoration of the levels of trace elements in the inflamed colon, liver, and plasma.“
[Antiinflammatory effects of Cordia myxa fruit on experimentally induced colitis in rats., Al-Awadi, F.M., Srikumar, T.S., Anim, J.T., Khan, I., Nutrition, 17(5), 2001, 391-396]

The amount of total phenolics in C.myxa fruit, determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure, was 402mg/100g.
[Comparison of phenolic compounds of some edible plants of Iran and India., Aberoumand, A., Deokule, S.S., Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7(4), 2008, 582-585]

„Cordia myxa fruit extract can protect indometacin-induced gastric ulceration due to its antioxidative and mucin enhancing properties. The protection afforded by co-administration of Cordia myxa fruit extract and ranitidine was found to be better than that of ranitidine alone. Results of the present study suggest that ranitidine should be used together with Cordia myxa fruit extract for better gastroprotective effect as well as to reduce H2 antagonists drugs adverse effects.“
[Gastroprotective effect of Cordia myxa L. fruit extract against indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in rats., Inas, Z.A., Hala, A.K., Gehan, H.H., Life Sci J, 8(3), 2011, 433-445]

Assyrian plum is used in traditional Iranian medicine to treat warm catarrh, cough, and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, gastrointestinal system, and lung.
[Pharmacological treatment of catarrh in Iranian traditional medicine., Choopani, R., Sadr, S., Kaveh, S., Kaveh, N., Dehghan, S., Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 5(2), 2015, 71-74]

Wight,R., Illustrations of Indian botany, or figures illustrative of each of the natural orders of Indian plants, vol.2 t.169 (1850) [Goovindo]

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