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Caesalpinioideae - diesel tree

Evergreen tree, up to 20m high, native to South America.

The Copaiba oleoresin is obtained from the trunk of several Copaifera L. species.

„The thick, transparent exudate varies in color from light gold to dark brown, depending on the ratio of resin to essential oil. Copaiba is used in making varnishes and lacquers. The balsam may be steam distilled to give copaiba oil, a colorless to light yellow liquid with the characteristic odor of the balsam and an aromatic, slightly bitter, pungent taste. The oil consists primarily of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons; its main component is caryophyllene.“

„GC/MS analysis of the hydrodistilled essential oils from leaves, root bark, fruit peel, trunk bark, trunk wood, root wood and fruits of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. obtained in 0.04%, 0.01%, 0.7%, 0.003%, 0.008%, 0.07% and 0.3% yield, respectively, and also from copaiba balsam (7.3%), allowed the identification of 40 different constituents. The major compounds were: leaf and fruit oils: β-caryophyllene (16.6% and 14.8%) and γ-muurolene (25.2% and 29.8%); fruit peel oil: caryophyllene oxide (47.3%); root wood oil: caryophyllene oxide (40.5%) and 4-α-copaenol (17.6%); root bark oil: caryophyllene oxide (30.7%) and kaurene (8.2%); trunk wood oil: γ-muurolene (8.3%), caryophyllene oxide (31.0%) and kaurene (30.2%); trunk bark oil: β-bisabolol (30.5%), kaurene (16.7%) and kaurenal (31.9%); copaiba balsam oil: β-caryophyllene (53.3%).“
[Volatile constituents of Copaifera langsdorffii from the Brazilian northeast. Gramosa, N. V., & Silveira, E. R., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.17(2), 2005, 130-132]


copaifera_langsdorffii_desf.1407446499.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/08/07 23:21 von andreas