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Commiphora erythraea (Ehrenb.) Engl. - Burseraceae - agarsu, opopanax

Tree, native to Somalia.

The resin essential oil of C. erythraea obtained by steam distillation contained two furanosesquiterpenoids as dominant constituents, 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one (21.5%), and 1,10(15)-furanogermacradien-6-one (14.3%), together with rel-3R-methoxy-4S-furanogermacra-1E,10(15)-dien-6-one (7.4%) and rel-2R-methoxy-4R-furanogermacra-1(10)E-en-6-one (3.9%). Minor components were eg. aromadendrene (4.4%), α-gurjunene (3.8%) and α-copaene (3.4%). „In our oil, we could not identify either ocimene, although this was the most abundant monoterpene of the opopanax oil studied by Ikeda, or α- and β-bisabolenes.“
[Chemical composition of the essential oil of Commiphora erythraea., Marcotullio, M.C., Santi, C., Mwankie, G., Curini, M., Natural product communications, 4(12), 2009, 1751-4]

The hexan extract of Commiphora erythraea (Ehrenb.) Engl. resin showed topical anti-inflammatory, free radical scavenging, antifungal activities and antioxidant activities. Bioguided separation of the extract led to furanosesquiterpenoids as active constituents.
[Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antifungal furanosesquiterpenoids isolated from Commiphora erythraea (Ehrenb.) Engl. resin., Fraternale, D., Sosa, S., Ricci, D., Genovese, S., Messina, F., Tomasini, S., Marcotullio, M.C., Fitoterapia, 82(4), 2011, 654-661]

„Furanodienone and 1,10(15)-furanogermacra-dien-6-ones showed to be potent inhibitors of lipid peroxidation (IC 50 of ~0.087 μM), being more active than the methoxylated analogues. Furthermore, using BV2 microglial cells, we found that furanodienone from C. erythraea is able to counteract LPS-induced cell death and decrease LPS-induced NO generation thus protecting microglial cells from LPS-induced cytotoxicity.“
[Protective effects of Commiphora erythraea resin constituents against cellular oxidative damage., Marcotullio, M.C., Messina, F., Curini, M., Macchiarulo, A., Cellanetti, M., Ricci, D., Bellezza, I., Molecules, 16(12), 2011, 10357-10369]

 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one

The vitro anti-inflammatory activity of 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one was shown by exposing microglial BV-2 cells to lipopolysaccharide. Pre-treatement with this furanodien-6-one restored cell viability and ROS to control levels while halving NO generation; production of pro-inflammatory IL-6, IL-23, IL-17, TGF-β, and INF-γ, significantly induced by LPS, was also markedly reduced. 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one protected primary neuronal cultures against the inflammatory/toxic insults of LPS-treated BV-2 conditioned media, indicating anti-inflammatory/cytoprotective effects in neuronal cells. In adult mice ip-injected with LPS, 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one had strong cerebral anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting liver and brain TNFα as well as IL-1β expression. The results provide strong evidence that 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one could be exploited to counteract degenerative pathologies based on neuroinflammation.
[Furanodien-6-one from Commiphora erythraea inhibits the NF-κB signalling and attenuates LPS-induced inflammation., Bellezza, I., Mierla, A., Grottelli, S., Marcotullio, M. C., Messina, F., Roscini, L., … & Minelli, A., Molecular immunology, 54(3), 2013, 347-354]

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